Christmas Follow-Up Gospel Life, Non-Wedding StuffCatherine ParksDecember 26, 2014Kara Chupp, Schottsy, Scrooge, Christmas
On Being Extra Scrooge-y This Year Gospel Life, Non-Wedding StuffCatherine ParksDecember 22, 2014Christmas, Scrooge, What Child is This, Joy to the World, O Come O Come Emmanuel, social media
My Love/Hate Relationship with Santa Claus Non-Wedding Stuff, Gospel LifeCatherine ParksDecember 6, 2013Christmas, Gospel, Santa Claus
Real Life Non-Wedding StuffCatherine ParksNovember 4, 2013Christmas, family, kids, Nancy Guthrie, Thanksgiving
Blogging Break Gospel Life, Non-Wedding StuffCatherine ParksDecember 17, 2012blog break, Christmas, Scotty Smith
Advent Resources Non-Wedding Stuff, Gospel LifeCatherine ParksDecember 4, 2012Advent, Christ-Centered, Christmas, Gospel, non-wedding