Catherine Parks

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Tim Keller on The Wedding at Cana

'The Wedding Feast at Cana in the Musee de Louvre' photo (c) 2004, edwin.11 - license: you are in the process of planning a wedding I would like to commend to you this sermon by Tim Keller, titled "Lord of the Wine." Keller looks at the passage from John 2 that describes Jesus' first miracle at the wedding in Cana and shows how the work and words of Christ in this event foreshadow both His death and the wedding feast of the Lamb to come.

Keller states in this event that "Jesus is thinking about his wedding day…the consummation of all consummations. The ultimate union, the ultimate embrace, the wedding feast to end all wedding feasts." Yet he is also thinking of what it will require to bring His Bride to Himself--He must drink the cup of the curse so we might drink the cup of blessing.

As I'm writing about wedding receptions I am continually drawn to imagine and rejoice in our forthcoming wedding feast with our true Bridegroom, the Lamb Who was slain. Our earthly receptions are a picture, however dim, of this future feast. Yet we can rejoice now because Christ did drink the cup. Whereas in Egypt the water turned to blood was a curse, in Christ His blood is a blessing.

The beauty of the gospel is this: Because of Christ,  "You are not invited to obey a set of rules, you are invited to a feast. You are invited not just to know, but to experience it."