Catherine Parks

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An Interview and A Request

I am so thankful to Gloria at Domestic Kingdom for interviewing me for her blog today! Gloria has quickly become one of my favorite bloggers and tweeters (you can follow her at @gloriafurman), and I'm super excited about her upcoming book, Glimpses of Grace: Treasuring the Gospel in Your Home (Crossway, 2013). You can read the interview here, but you will most likely want to stick around for a bit and read some of the great, gospel-rich posts she has written or featured from other writers. 'Laptop sleeve by Martice on Etsy' photo (c) 2010, Anastasia - license:

I also have a request for those who have found their way to the blog so far. I would like to regularly feature real weddings here in order to share ideas and inspiration for those who are currently in the midst of planning. Ideally these would include pictures and a short interview with a real couple describing their wedding and the ways in which they purposed to proclaim the gospel to those present (including to one another).

So, if you know of a couple (including yourself) who fits this description, could you please share this link with them (also found under the "Submit a Wedding" link in the menu)? There is a quick form to fill out and I will take it from there. And don't be shy about filling it out for yourself - this is not an opportunity to brag on yourself, but on God's faithfulness and the ways in which He was glorified and honored in your wedding. I want this to be a place where couples can find ideas that are different from the norm that you find in wedding magazines and a lot of websites. And in order to do that, I need YOUR help. So thanks in advance.

In my book research I have already heard of some beautiful things people are doing in order to exalt Christ and I'm excited to share them with others! So stay tuned...