Is the Bible about Marriage?

If you've been around this blog for long, you know I believe God uses marriage, and even weddings, as a metaphor in many places in His Word. This is the profound mystery Paul refers to--that God uses a human relationship to demonstrate a much greater reality--the union of the God-Man with humans. 

But it would be wrong to say the Bible is "about" marriage. A metaphor points to the real thing--it helps us understand it. So marriage helps us understand who God is. Marriage is not ultimate; God is. 

I love this blog post over at Desiring God, written by Francis Chan. If you have just 5 minutes today, take them and read this and be encouraged. Whether you're single or married, young or old, Chan says some really important things. I'm looking forward to checking out the marriage book he and his wife have written.

I'll leave you with one great teaser quote from the blog post:

Picture a nice house with a white picket fence and your happy family lounging inside. Now imagine a full-scale war unfolding just a few blocks away. Your friends and neighbors are fighting for their lives while you are remodeling your kitchen and hanging your new big screen TV. You have contractors installing better windows so you can tune out all of the noise.

*Image credit: MeganLynnette on flikr